I have been writing weekly since 2017 to explore ways for us to shift our mental health through practices, inquiry, and mind-body medicine. You can join my community, Your Integrative Physician, below.

Below are a sampling of the blog and weekly emails that have evolved into my Substack community, Your Integrative Physician where I am proud to offer what you often don’t get in your doctor’s visits: Vital weekly doses of science-backed wisdom and nuggets of inspiration to actually feel and live better. Radical Joy (minus the good vibes BS) mingles with the art of living well and all things integrative health and psychedelics.

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You need these four simple strategies to kiss overwhelm good-bye

I think overwhelm rules over many of us. And I hear most of my friends responding to me as well with similar statements. And if we have even more than a few minutes in the produce aisle, I’ll hear more of that panicky feeling that lies underneath my friends’ voices.

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What you say at work can make a difference

Does your workplace need a culture change? Gratitude may just be the fairy dust you need. It works in magical ways to make employees feel more satisfied, fulfilled and even more productive! Especially if you are a leader at work, listen up! Almost any work environment can use an attitude of gratitude to boost its health! 

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Know the story of your food...

Transform your day into something bigger than it seems, every day, with your food. Have gratitude for what enters your body, for all of those who contributed to making it, to the elements of the universe that supported it from the wind to the sun and rain. We are all interconnected and each time we eat is an opportunity to celebrate that. 

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Ritual turns the ordinary into the extraordinary

In our fast-paced days, we are often rushing through our tasks to get to the next one while juggling incoming calls or emails. In this way, we may be missing much of what is happening right in front of our eyes. This fast paced life often does not serve us, and we need to counterbalance it if we are to care for ourselves well. We NEED ritual to slow us down, to make us remember what is truly meaningful in our lives.

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Put your gratitude in a jar

We are set up as humans to look for the negative. When you are getting ready for a day that feels challenging, what do you think about? The ways it will be hard to get through, or the ways you will find meaning in your day? I have come to believe it fundamentally changes our biochemistry to be grateful.

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